1. 玛丽阿姨是我母亲的妹妹,她这个周末要来。
Aunt Mary is my mother`s sister, and she is coming this weekend.
2. 我去玛丽阿姨家,不过,我会在加油站给你带两包。
Im going to see Aunt Mary. But I will get them for you at the gas station.
3. 玛丽阿姨的意思
3. 玛丽阿姨得的是另外一种癌症,癌症有很多种的。
Aunt Mary had a different kind, there are lots of different kinds.
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4. 没有你玛丽阿姨和像她那样的人玛丽阿姨,很多人的情况可能会更糟糕。
There's many who would be a lot worse off without your Aunt Mary and her like.
5. 当她随着父母来到英国时,她的阿姨玛丽在希思罗机场接她们。
When she went to England with her parents, her aunt Mary met them at Heathrow Airport.
6. 我们想,这可能和玛丽阿姨的理念有关。
In our opinion, maybe because of our concrete thoughts.
7. 玛丽阿姨是一个非常保守的人,她完全反对妇女外出工作。
Aunt Mary's a real conservative. She's totally opposed to women going out to work.
8. 这人说:我的阿姨玛丽很善于和其他人交往,也很有说服别人的能力。深度计算机网络。
My aunt Mary knows how to relate to people and is very persuasive.
9. 玛丽阿姨主动要求清扫厨房。
Aunt Mary volunteered to clean up the kitchen
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10. 小心了,玛丽•波宾斯阿姨!全球的金融飓风已开始殃及英国的保姆市场!
Watch out Mary Poppins, the hurricane howling through the world's financial markets is starting to be felt in the rarefied world of the British nanny.
11. 玛丽阿姨,你的照片登报了。
A:Aunt Mary, your picture is in paper.
12. 玛丽阿姨每星期天都要去做礼拜。
Aunt Mary goes to church every Sunday.
13. 玛丽阿姨住在伦敦,她带着凯丽和她的父母游览了伦敦的许多地方,例如伦敦塔、大英博物馆、伯明翰宫,凯丽也很喜欢泰晤士河上的游船之旅。
Aunt Mary lives in London. She took Kelly and her parents to visit a lot of places in London, like the tower of London, the British Museum, and Buckingham Palace. Kelly also enjoyed a boat trip on the river Thames.
14. 我永远也忘不了教授说的这一番话。后来玛丽阿姨,我了解到我们做杂活的阿姨的洗礼名是玛丽安娜。
I never forgot this lesson * and went on to learn that the baptism name of our maid was Marianna.
15. 玛丽阿姨是什么意思
15. 我阿姨玛丽昂给我的12岁生日礼物。
Sheldon: My aunt Marion gave them to me for my12th birthday.
16. 音乐喜剧《洛基恐怖秀》名列第三,茱丽叶·安德鲁斯主演的另一部迪斯尼音乐剧《玛丽·波平斯阿姨》排在第四。
Musical comedy The Rocky Horror Showlanded the third, while Mary Poppins, a Disney musical starring Julie Andrews stood fourth.
17. 玛丽阿姨在线翻译
17. 判断一家公司是否真正把加盟商的利益放在第一位的秘诀是:看这家公司是否有完善的培训设施、雄厚的师资队伍、售后部门人数及服务质量等,至少玛丽阿姨现在三百多平米的培训中心和服务中心,这在目前的洗衣行业内是绝无仅有的。
We judge the company weather emphysize the benefit of branches by their training establishment, abundant teachers, client services and so on the forth. As to we Auntie Marie, we have more than 300 square training center and service center, above all, we are unique in washing fields.
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