我有点不舒服I'm a little under the weather例句: I'm a little under the weather. I hope you get better soon. 我有点不舒服 我希望你很快好起来。
舒服 [词典] (轻松愉快) comfortable; (无病) be well; [例句]坐这张椅子更舒服。This seat is more comfortable to sit on
1,肚子疼 My stomach is feeling weird. 2, 很紧张 I used to get butterflies in my stomach before school tests. 有的人一紧张就胃部舒服,就是这个原因。就不用说 I am nervous. 用这种表达方式更能让别人明白你紧张的感受 3, 恶心 Sorry Bob, I felt nauseated this morning. Can I ask for a sick day off? 不好意思Bob, 我今早觉得很恶心。想请一天病假? 4,经期肚子疼 menstrual cramps (特指经期肚子疼) I`m on my period and I have cramps. 我大姨妈来了,肚子疼 5, 水肿 I feel so bloated because that time of the month. 我最近水肿很严重。 6. 头晕 I feel a little dizzy. 我感觉头很晕。 7,鼻子不通 I have a stuffy nose. 我鼻子不通 8,全身酸痛 My whole body is so sore. 希望这些词汇和短语能帮助大家都在日常口语中描述自己的不适。愿大家都有美好的一天!
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