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2025-01-22 15:07 作者: 36创业加盟网

1. 不过在欧洲东南隅巴尔干半岛上的波士尼亚与赫塞哥维纳(Bosnia and Herzegovina,以下简称波赫),迄今仍陷於战争所带来的后遗症中而发展迟缓,就像一个站在十字路口的徘徊者,看似站定,对於未来确充满了陶多多的不确定因素。

But tucked away on the southeast corner of the Balkan Peninsula is Bosnia and Herzegovina, a nation beset with the devastation and slow developmentbrought about by war. It is a nation standing at a crossroads, unsure about the future.

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2. 主侧板前面所增加的这个小侧板是欧洲站的一个改进,它连接到突起的水平导向叶片上,类似于英美去年曾使用过的一个方案。

A development for Europe is this additional small barge board in front of the main one, connected to the protruding horizontal turning vane in similar fashion to a solution used by BAR last year.

3. 自1998年开展环志以来,截止2005年12月末,在该地区发现鸟类210种,隶属15目36科欧洲站,环志鸟类163种163 305只,其中,白腰朱顶雀环志26 157只,是高峰鸟类保护环志站环志数量最多的种类。2003年2月10日挪威回收到由高峰鸟类保护环志站环志的一只白腰朱顶雀,成为中国开展鸟类环志20多年来,欧洲国家回收到的第一只中国环志鸟。

Of 163 species represented by 163305 individuals had been banded, among them 26157 birds are Carduelis flammea the most species banded., One banded bird C. flammea banded at the Station was recovered in Norway on February 10, 2003. It is the first bird captured by Europe more than 20 years after the initiation of bird banding program in China.

4. 更新消息:欧洲的人造卫星 GIOVE-一在十二月 28 日星期三在格林威治标准时间 05:19 从 Baikonur 人造宇宙站发射基地成功的发射。

UPDATE: The European satellite GIOVE-A launched successfully from the Baikonur Cosmodrome at 05:19 GMT on Wednesday 28 December.

5. 欧洲站的翻译

5. 美国的决策者站在他们的立场上则对欧洲在国防开销上采取的行动失去了耐心。

And Washington is annoyed at Europe's feckless attempts at economic reforms.

6. 欧洲站的解释

6. 过去几年,许多欧洲人站在一旁吹毛求疵:美国四处制造麻烦,为什么他们就应该为全球安全做出贡献?

Many Europeans have spent the past few years carping from the sidelines: the US has been messing things up everywhere, so why should they contribute anything to global security?

7. 该模型以欧洲地区的列车编组计划点弧模型为基础欧洲站,通过引入相同到站车流第一改编站选择决策变量、线性化树形改编链约束和列车频度决策变量,使其适用于我国运输实际。

Base on the typical model of Europe region, the model introduce car flow first classification station selection decision variable, linearization tree chain constraint and train frequency decision variable, which make the model suit our country railway transportation actual.

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8. 迈克尔。舒马赫,七届世界冠军,打算从欧洲站起代替马萨代表法拉利出战。

Michael Schumacher, the seven-time world champion, plans to come out of retirement as Felipe Massa's replacement at Ferrari from the European Grand Prix.

9. 面对这些问题的时候,总有争论,但是起码5亿的欧洲居民已经站在了一起。

On all these fronts, it will argue, it is a good thing that half a billion Europeans are now in this together.

10. 欧洲站在线翻译

10. 当实验主义在欧洲兴起时,英国作家要么回归传统,要么站在十字路口左右徘徊。

When experimentalism became popular in Europe, the British writers either returned to tradition or hesitated at the crossroads.

11. 最恶心的要数城里那好几千佛门弟子了,年纪轻轻的,成天不务正业,就知道站在街角拿欧洲人寻开心。

There were several thousands of them in the town and none of them seemed to have anything to do except stand on street corners and jeer at Europeans.

12. 2003年2月10日挪威回收到由高峰鸟类保护环志站环志的一只白腰朱顶雀,成为中国开展鸟类环志20多年来,欧洲国家回收到的第一只中国环志鸟。

Flammea banded at the Station was recovered in Norway on February 10, 2003.It is the first bird captured by Europe more than 20 years after the initiation of bird banding program in China.

13. 欧洲站

13. 他与几个人握了手,随后要迅速赶赴他下一个公开露面的活动,那是在德国,这是他欧洲之行的最后几站之一,随后他将去巴西作讲座。

He shakes a few hands before being whisked off to his next public performance, in germany, one of the last stops on his European tour before he takes his lecture to brazil.

14. 去年的欧洲站,因为磨平轮胎导致了悬挂断裂,从而让他在最后一圈以第一的位置退出比赛,将冠军拱手让人。

He was robbed of victory in the2005 European GP when a flat-spot-induced suspension failure took him out of the lead on the last lap.

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15. 古希腊女诗人萨福站在欧洲抒情诗的源头,以其卓越的艺术成就推动了希腊文化史上的变革。

Standing on the river source of European lyrics, ancient Greek female poet Sappho propeled reform of Greek culture with her prominent artistic achievement.

16. 尼采站在权力意志的立场上认为,欧洲文明在走向衰落,人类在逐渐退化,其根源是基督教文明。

Standing at the point of will-to-power, Nietzche declared that the European civilization was declining; the human being was degenerating, the source of which was Christianity.

17. 欧洲职业足球联盟对于能够站在全世界抗击饥饿和营养不良的最前线,与粮农组织共同战斗而感到自豪。

The EPFL is proud of joining FAO at the forefront of the fight against hunger and malnutrition worldwide.

18. 在欧洲加强联盟的过程中,美国将与你们站在一起。

America will stand with Europe as you strengthen your union.

19. 捷克斯洛伐克人民是欧洲伟大的人民,我们背叛和欺骗了他们。他们向我们证明了,只要有一颗勇敢的心,即使最柔弱的躯体,也是能够站起来对抗坦克的。

A great people of Europe, the Czhechoslovaks, whom we betrayed and deceived: Haven't they shown us how a vulnerable breast can stand up even against tanks if there is a worthy heart within it?

20. 他是站在欧洲公民一边,还是站在避税的企业一边?

Is he on the side of European citizens or corporate tax dodgers?

上一篇:欧洲站(怎么做好亚马逊欧洲站?欧洲站新玩法你知道吗?) 下一篇:雷式教育(快看!南昌“雷式教育”出问题了!遭教育局曝光,“超纲教学”依旧存在!)

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