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2025-01-22 16:22 作者: 36创业加盟网

核心要点: 1. 公司概况:(1)公司简介:北京小罐茶业有限公司(简称小罐茶) 创立于 2014 年,是一家覆盖绿茶、红茶、青茶、黑茶、白茶、再加工茶 六大茶类的现代茶商。(2)股东情况:第一大股东和实际控制人为杜国楹, 持股比例为 50%;公司现有 10 家机构股东,共计持股 46.25%。(3)经营 情况:截至 2018 年末,公司拥有 600 家专卖店,2000 家合作烟酒店,3000 家合作茶叶店,全年销售额约为 20 亿元。 2. 行业情况:(1)行业现状:2018 年,中国国内市场茶叶销售额增 至 2661.0 亿元,涨幅为 13.0%,销售单价为 139.3 元/斤,同比增长 7.9%; 茶叶消费量达 191.1 万吨,增幅为 5.2%。 (2)竞争格局:目前中国茶饮 公品种繁多,生产企业呈现数量多、体量小、产品质量参差不齐的情形,缺 乏真正的龙头品牌。(3)发展趋势:茶产业市场规模继续增长,市场集中 公 度有较大提升空间,茶叶品牌化趋势明显,未来生产方式将向规模化、产 业化、机械化方向发展。 司 3. 公司分析:(1)主营业务:小罐茶的茶种类覆盖了红茶、绿茶、 研 黑茶、白茶、乌龙茶、再加工茶六大类,通过原产地采摘、大师监制、严 格筛选来确保产品质量。

(2)生产模式:将大师的制茶工艺数字化,并利 究 用现代化设备完成生产,整个生产过程由大师监控和把关,最终通过全自 动铝罐灌装生产线完成封装。(3)销售模式:线下为主,线上为辅的销售 报 模式。 4. 同业对比:(1)营收对比:2018 年小罐茶销售额约为 20 亿,超过 天福茗茶 15.36 亿规模小罐茶现状,成为行业第一。(2)产品对比:天福茗茶、八马 茶业、谢裕大等茶企产品线丰富,价格跨度大;小罐茶产品以中高端为主; 大益茶以低端产品为主。(3)网络舆情:小罐茶网络舆情热度普遍高于其 他茶企小罐茶现状,网络口碑为 54.13,表现良好。 5. 机遇与挑战 挑战篇:(1)由高端市场向下拓展,品牌形象或受影响;(2)新产品 利润空间下降,线下门店经营风险提升;(3)全产业链布局,增加资金压 力。 机遇篇:(1)中国茶叶市场规模巨大,缺乏真正的龙头品牌;(2)品 牌年轻化优势明显,有利于抢占年轻消费人群。 艾媒咨询 iiMedia Research Company profile: (1) Company profile: Founded in 2014, Beijing Xiao Guan Tea Co., Ltd. (referred to as Xiao Guan Tea) is a modern tea merchant covering six major teas: green tea, black tea, green tea, dark tea, white tea and reprocessed tea. (2) Shareholders' situation: The largest shareholder and actual controller are Du Guoying, with a shareholding ratio of 50%; the company has 10 institutional shareholders, with a total shareholding of 46.25%. (3) Operation: By the end of 2018, the company has 600 franchised stores and 5000 cooperative stores, with annual sales of about 2 billion yuan. Industry situation: (1) Current situation of the industry: In 2018, tea sales in China's domestic market increased to 266.1 billion yuan, an increase of 13.0%, sales unit price of 278.6 yuan/kg, an increase of 7.9% over the same period of last year; tea consumption reached 191.1 million tons, an increase of 5.2%. (2) Competition pattern: At present, there are many kinds of tea drinks in China, and the production enterprises present the situation of large quantity, small size, uneven quality of products, lacking of real leading brands. (3) Development Trend: The market scale of tea industry continues to grow, market concentration has greater room to improve, the trend of tea brand is obvious, and the future production mode will develop towards scale, industrialization and mechanization. Company analysis: (1) Main business: Xiao Guan Tea covers six categories of black tea, green tea, dark tea, white tea, oolong tea and reproce

上一篇:西瓜的种植技术(西瓜种植技术大全,种出来的瓜又大又甜 只有你想不到的问题!) 下一篇:西瓜的种植技术(西瓜栽培技术)
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