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2025-01-22 11:51 作者: 36创业加盟网

1. 911查询·英语单词大全

1. 而在日式简餐料理方面,处理过程非常细腻简餐,像是脆皮嫩鸡腿佐柠檬鸡酱,先将去骨鸡腿和姜、清酒、迷迭香等香料腌制,酥炸后淋上以柠檬汁、鱼露、辣椒调配的特制鸡酱,皮脆肉嫩的鸡腿肉汁饱满,带有些许的酸、甜、辣味,加上三个配菜、每日汤品和饮料,丰富得让人大呼满足。

And three side dishes, soup, and drink come with the main course.

2. 凭窗远眺,欣赏着窗外的小桥流水与街道的人潮涌动,浅酌慢饮Y米咖啡屋提供的现磨咖啡及饮品,享用快捷的中西式简餐、精致糕点,让您在繁忙的工作之余,享受片刻宁静。

Yumma Café offers Asian and Western blends á la cart, snacks, cakes, and fresh brewed coffee. Yummy Café is your first choice to enjoy a peaceful moment during and after a busy day! Enjoy the splendid view over the city of Xian.

3. 我们在继承西式风味快餐的同时,根据国人的饮食习惯和区域性的差异,开发了一系列中式风味的商务套餐及商务简餐,在满足各地区人士的风味需求的基础上为消费者提供了更健康、美味、营养的享受。

We have inherited Western-style fast food at the same time, according to people's eating habits and regional differences in the development of a series of Chinese-style business and the business simple meal packages in the region to meet the needs of flavor on the basis of providing consumers with a Healthier, delicious, nutrition enjoyment.

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4. 简餐店的主人总是寻找各种方法让他们的生意看上去更加现代。

Diner owners were always searching for ways to make their businesses look more a modern.

5. 前两者较好,后者更像是简餐

The first two better, which is more like Jane meal.

6. 简餐是什么意思

6. 这是一个非常大的类别的餐馆包括好几个附属的种类:其中之一就是午餐柜台类,通常提供三明治和其他简餐以及饮料。

This is a very large group of restaurants which includes several subcategories. One of these is the lunch counter which ordinarily serves sandwiches and other simple foods and beverages.

7. 配有先进的通讯设施,卫星和有线电视,提供24小时沐浴和免费宽带上网服务,另外酒店设有大堂酒吧、日式酒吧、美容美发等服务项目,是一家集住宿、商务洽谈、休闲、商务简餐于一体的商务型酒店。

This hotel, with excellent communication, satellite and cable TVS, provides you with all day`s shower and free surfon internet, based on gueste `room, is a hotel concentrated with conversation, leisure.

8. 店内的餐点以异国料理为主,提供简餐、卷饼、披萨、贝果和各式饮品,其中老板娘Evan特别推荐圣塔菲贝果,料理的过程是先将贝果切开,涂上特制的PIZZA酱,接著放入起司条、洋葱和培根进入烤箱烤,再洒上满满的起司粉,酥脆的贝果口感相当好,带有浓郁起司香的口味很丰富简餐,深受许多来店客人的好评。

The menu primarily is composed by a list of exotic cuisine dishes, providing meal combos, burrito, pizza, bagel, drinks, etc. Among that, the hostess Evan personally recommends Santa Fe Bagel. Santa Fe Bagel is consisted of onion, cheese strips and bacon, placed on a sliced open bagel covered with pizza sauce and topped with cheese powder, and then baked in the oven. Because of its stringy and rich cheese taste, Santa Fe Bagel is widely praised by many customers.

9. A:我们可以在你饭店附近的侬特利用个简餐

We can have a quick meal in the Nongteli near your hotel.

10. 罗罗和我的简餐(中饭)。我做了鸡肉,胡萝卜,菠菜和土豆泥。

Guido and I had a simple nice lunch. I made chicken, carrots, spinach and mashed potato.

11. 我们可以在您饭店附近的侬特利用个简餐

We can have a quick meal in the nongteli near your hotel.

12. 服务包括标准间客房、餐、4小时简餐、务中心和免费商务角。

Service includes a double-bed room, breakfast, 24 - hour snack, a business center & a free internet bar.

13. 简餐什么意思

13. 将传统琼菜注入南洋烹饪手法,体现本地黎苗风情与东南亚异域风味完美结合,是精品简餐的不二选择。

It combines traditional local specialty with Southeastern Asian style perfectly. It's your ideal choice for delicate meals.

14. 简餐在线翻译

14. 虽然有些餐厅已在他们的菜单中加入了简餐或轻食,但这应成为我们所有人每天食用的标准食物,而不是在节食减肥时才偶尔一试,利布曼女士说。

While some restaurants have added lean or light meals to their menus, those should be the standard because that's what we all should be eating, not just dieters, Ms. Liebman said.

上一篇:简餐(简餐) 下一篇:女装中老年(中老年高档女装春夏秋冬新款品牌)

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